How drip campaigns work

Direct Sidekick drips are an amazing way to automate parts of your business over and over again!

Currently, you can create (or import) drips that include email messages and tasks (more options coming!).

A few great examples of using drips are customer follow-up, host coaching, and new team member onboarding.

In using the customer follow-up example, you can add a task reminder to do your 2-day call to thank your customer for their order. Then follow up with a 2-week email to make sure they received their products. Later in the drip series, you can have great how-tos and tips to stay on your customer's minds.

Once you create (or have a drip shared with you), you can schedule it to send to a customer or team member, and all of the sending is automatically done for you!

You can literally schedule out content to be sent to your customers for six months, a year, or whatever you'd like!

Drips can be easily shared with your team so they don't have to "recreate the wheel." This is huge both their business and yours. What would you have been able to do when you started in your business if your upline or sideline gave you these automated drips (scripts) so you didn't have to start from scratch?

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