How to schedule drip campaigns

There are two ways to schedule drips to send to your customers.

The first is from the Schedule Drip page under Drips -> Schedule Drips.

Once there, start typing your customer's name and click on her name. Next, start typing the name of your drip and click on it as well.

It should now look like the image below. Now just click the Schedule Drip button and all of your messages and tasks will be scheduled for that customer.

If you'd like to make any changes to a message in the drip or the day or time it's sent, you can click the checkbox next to the orange arrow before clicking the Schedule Drip button.

If this checkbox is checked, it will open up this customer's schedule where you can click directly on the date and time to change the schedule, or the description link or edit button to make changes to the message. Any changes here only affect this person's campaign. It does not change your template.

The second is directly from your contact. Navigate to your contact under Contacts -> Contacts (I know, super creative, right?)

  1. Use the search box on the right just above your contact list to find your contact.
  2. You can click on their Name link on the left side of the list or the edit blue edit button on the right side of the list. This will open your contact's record.
  3. Click on the drips tab (image below).
  4. Click the + Assign Drip button
  5. Choose the drip from your list and click save.
  6. (optional) If you'd like to make any changes for this customer, click on the Schedule tab and make those changes.

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