How to create and edit a drip campaign

Drip campaigns allow you to automatically send personalized 1-to-1 email campaigns to your customers, leads, and team members saving you tons of time. Customers that consistently follow up with their customers grow their businesses by 50% or more!

Currently, you can create (or import) drips that include email messages and tasks (more options coming!).

Here's a great article about how Lyndsey at Norwex was able to DOUBLE HER PARTY SALES using drip campaigns.

How to create a new drip campaign

To create a new drip campaign, navigate to Messages -> Drips from the left-hand menu and click the + New Drip button at the top right corner of the page. You can think of drips as your templates for a series of messages you'll send to your contacts.

Next, fill out the form by including the title and your goal for the drip. These are only viewable by you and anyone you share your drips with.

Click on one of the buttons at the top right to either add an email or a task reminder. Emails are sent on the day and time you schedule. Tasks are reminders for you to do something. A common use for tasks is a phone call reminder for the day 2 follow-up call or to mail something.

Now, fill out the form for your new email.

  • "Email Days" is the number of days after the day you schedule the drip you would like the email to be sent. 1 is the current day.
  • "Email Time" is the time your email will be scheduled to send.
  • "Subject" is the email subject and what your contact will see in their inbox.
  • You can use shortcodes such as {customer_fname} for your customer's first and {signature} to include your signature. Those will be filled in for you before your email is sent.

You add a task in the same way. Click the + Add Task button. Then fill out the form.

You may add as many emails or tasks to your drips as you'd like.

The most important thing is to make sure you are sending relevant information that provides value and NOT just contacting your customers to sell them your products. That is the quickest way to train your customers to ignore your emails or worse, block them.

How to edit a drip campaign

To edit a drip campaign, simply click on the blue edit button on the right side of the page. Sometimes, depending on your screen size, this will show up after you click the green plus sign on the left of the title.

Once you click the edit button, you'll be able to edit any of the messages, add new emails or tasks, or delete any of them.

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